
Varied dunes, from waving beach grass along the coast up to varied inland forests, originated from old country estates. National Park Zuid-Kennemerland, located just outside Zandvoort, is truly one of the finest sea dune areas of Europe. Nowhere else you can have such a rich cross section of the flora and fauna the dunes have to offer.
Numerous hiking, cycling and riding trails lead along wonderful countryside. From the waving beach grass along the coast, up to the varied inland forests. These forests have largely originated from the old country estates, in which was planted and gardened. Over the years, these gardens have run wild to an impressive wilderness, where it’s nice now to hike and explore.
Beautiful walks

A lot of walkers leave alone. That is a big mistake. If you are looking for peace and quietness, space and beautiful landscapes you can make beautiful walking-tours. And there is a lovely fresh sea-air.
The coast of has wide beaches and offers magnificent views over the sea. From the view of the coast is beautiful. The beach lies shining in the sun and goes in a friendly curve with the sea and the sea can sometimes lighten unlikely bleu. And along the flood mark there are always people walking, weather or no weather. is with all its catering industry at the sunny residence the stopping place for walkers.
Hiking routes and maps
For walking routes you can go to the local tourist office, bookshop or on the websites below. Unfortunately are most route maps only available in the Dutch language.